Happy pigs make for happy customers

Here at Easter Compton Farm Shop we’ve always made it known that we care about the quality of our products above all else, but we’re also concerned with the quality of the life our products are having before they end up in the shop. Which is why we’re proud to tell you about our new primary Pork supplier; Prestige Pork.


We now buy the majority of our Pork from their local free-range pig farm in Taunton, where farmer James Mitchell is going out of his way to raise happy pigs using natural methods and feeding them only what’s , pesticide free, and already grown in the nearby Somerset countryside.


So not only are they not being pumped full of hormones in a factory where they’re fed pesticide covered GM crops and given unnecessary antibiotics, but by raising them in a way that is both humane and locally minded they’re lowing the carbon footprint of meat production whilst absorbing all of the organic nutrients readily available in nature, and making them all the better in terms of flavour and texture by the time they’re brought to your table.


So by raising them in this way James is managing to produce Pork that is not only more humane, but is better for his local community, better for our shared global community, and best of all, better for you and your family at dinner time. However, as some of you may have picked up on;

Prestige are our primary, but not our sole supplier. Because occasionally they’re unable meet the sheer demand for their pork. When this happens though you can still rest assured. Because our secondary pork suppliers are also free range, and still as local as we can source them!


So, next time you’re enjoying a bit of our home cured bacon, some of our lovely sausages, or a delicious bit of roast pork remember that by shopping at your local farm shop you’re eating only the happiest, healthiest, and tastiest pigs available!